“Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so that they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse.
You must first be WHO you really are, then, DO what you need to do, in order to HAVE what you want.”
–Margaret Young
Many of you know that last weekend I had the unique experience of going to a taping of the Oprah show. Synchronicity is a wonderful thing, the theme of the show, which is airing on April 9, was about your bucket list, about the things that you want to do before you die. And this is a HUGE topic to speak about, and for some a huge topic to even think about. So before we get started just close your eyes, and breathe.
Although we are complex beings, there is something very simple about the mind – did you know that you can only have one thought at a time? In every moment that passes we can only have one thought. When your thoughts take you off of your breath, CHOOSE to come back to the breath, releasing the other thoughts that come to you. All you need to do right now, is breathe, CHOOSE to breathe.
Often we get lost in accumulating “stuff”, we get lost in working, making the almighty dollar to have the right stuff, to do the right stuff and be the right stuff – and when we lose ourselves in this way of life and thinking, and we come to find ourselves living a life that isn’t recognizable to ourselves. We find ourselves unhappy, lacking in love, respect and even loyalty…and often we find ourselves overweight. Oh, the torture of it all! Trying to keep up with the neighbours, satisfy everyone else in the house hold, community and family. Why do we do it? Why do we get so buried in life and expectations that we forget to live in the present moment and enjoy it? Why do we worry and fret and stress over things that we simply have no control over? We all do it – we all let stress ROB us of time, joy, love, acceptance, peace…
So, I recently found myself reflecting about the one thing that everyone in the world wants – and I believe that is to be loved. I believe that we are all trying to get to a place of love. Now, when I refer to love, I am referring to self-love. Yes, it is important to love others, but love of self or rather a lack of love, is what has brought us all here – to this journey.
In the last while, I have made a conscious choice to love myself by listening to my body, my spirit, my soul and my God. I have made the conscious choice to NOT let stress ROB me of my time, not dictate to me poor food choices, or steal away my energy and passion for the things that I love. So, I would like to share with you how I came to that place emotionally, spiritually and physically.
Our thoughts are like little magnetic prayers that we send out to the universe, and so what we think we attract. I am sure that many of you have thought something good or bad is going to happen, and sure enough it does…Spiritual teachers call this the Law of Attraction, what we think …we are. You have heard this before…well let’s begin to adopt it.
To do that we need to change the way we “think” primarily about ourselves. The trick of it is though, that as we change how we think of ourselves, we change how we think about the world around us. So let’s start small, I would like you to make a short list of 5 things that you appreciate about yourself. Five things that you are grateful to be. Think about your personality traits, your abilities, your families. Here is my list:
1. Leadership qualities
2. Organization skills
3. Great listener
4. Accurate intuition, follow through
5. Realistic
Now let’s create a sentence around your list. It might be a couple of sentences, or it might just be one. Start with, “I am grateful for…. “or “I am grateful that…” And let’s write it down, as our thoughts written down help us to manifest and attract to us our heart’s desire’s faster. Writing things and thoughts down is very powerful as it makes it “real” and gives it physical energy. Here is my sentence: “I AM a great listener, realistic with strong organizational skills and leadership qualities. I HAVE accurate intuition and I WILL follow through.”
What do we do with these statements now? We begin to use them as affirmations. We can write them on post-it notes, or journal about them or whatever feels right to you. By focusing on those things that you are grateful for, you attract positive energy, positive thoughts around you. It isn’t about being cocky or over confident; it is about being respectful and honouring who you truly are as a human being. Begin reinforcing the things that you like most about yourself and the more grateful that you are about your own person, the more traits that you will begin to notice that you like about yourself.
Now there is a bit of a trick to this – you see when you recognize a quality in someone else, it is because you, yourself carry the similar quality. Often we respect others for their leadership, their organization, their dedications, their ability to balance books…but the honest truth of that is, that we wouldn’t be able to recognize that if we didn’t already carry those traits and know what it takes to do what they do – right?
There is a unique learning opportunity here – and this is where awareness now becomes a powerful tool and catalyst for change. When we recognize traits in others that we despise, that we can’t stand, that presses our buttons and pushes us over the edge…why do you think that is? We respond so drastically with emotional response, it is because that is a trait that we possess – that we DON’T like about ourselves. Now, having the ability to recognize that gives us the CHOICE to change it, to take control over it, so that it doesn’t control us! There are only two things that we have control over in our life – two things – how you CHOOSE to act and how you CHOOSE to react. That is it. So if you are going to overreact know that that is a conscious choice, only you have the power to change. Now, in every negative there is a positive – so look for the positive aspect of that trait, use gratitude to honour that trait, and then allow that to flourish by keeping it in the light, and let the rest of it fall away and CHOOSE NOT to honour that which doesn’t suit your highest and best character.
Now let’s set some goals. Everyone in here has a goal or two. Let’s pick one. For instance, my initial goal when starting my weight loss action plan was to be able to wear my wedding rings again. That became my mantra, “I wear my wedding rings with pride!” And after 6 months, I was able to wear my wedding rings. My goal wasn’t a number; it was tangible… I also had a dream of doing Third World Mission Work one day, and last August, I had an “Ah-ha” moment, as Oprah would say. I realized that the only thing standing in the way of me doing mission work was….ME. I had created boundaries, restrictions and had over time limited my thoughts and beliefs to what I could and couldn’t do - and the truth of it is – if you want it, if you believe it, if you think it…you can do it, have it and live it! We are only limited by our OWN thoughts…
Let’s each of us write down a goal, or a dream that you have had or carried your whole life. It might be something that you have always wanted to do, or have. It might be a personal change in your personality, a fear that you want to over come…it could be a weight loss goal, a relationship goal, or it could be travel? Now, when you write it down, when manifesting, making our hopes and goals real … we always state it in the present tense, so that when we think it and put that magnetic law of attraction out there, it knows that we deserve it NOW…when we use words like soon, if, when, it implies to your God or to the universe that you don’t feel that you really deserve it, that you are not worthy of it – which is a whole different topic of discussion for another day…so for now, when manifesting, lets use the present tense such as “I am ready for third world mission work and the third world is ready for me.” Or, “I am a tall, slender, beautiful blonde bombshell!” etc…
Speaking your statements or affirmations aloud is like a ritual, you have written it, made it real, but speaking it gives it life and it makes you accountable to follow your own dreams…Say it like you mean it! Like you deserve it! Say it again, and again, day after day, until your body starts to resonate with what you are saying, and feel that magnetic pull attract what you truly want in your life, and what you truly want out of life.
I hope that each of you will take your gratitudes, and write them on post-its, put them on your fridge, or on your bathroom mirror, so that every time you walk by you can say it, think it and send the message out, so that you can attract your goals into your life. Try it…you just might be pleasantly surprised when it actually works!!!