Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Present Moment

As we enter this new moon on Wednesday April 14, 2010, it is very important for us to hold our thoughts, and intentions in a positive light.  We are what we attract, we attract what we are.  Spiritual teachers call this the Law of Attraction.  As many of us are learning from our mistakes, hurtles, hardships and life lessons that we have lived in the past, we need to remember, that those moments do not define us.  They may shape us, but they do not dictate to us who we are, where we are going, or why we "be". 

Many believe that we should re-hash our lives, re-live our times of trial to get emotional closure, to really be able to acknowledge it and let go.  Although that may work for some, I feel that by living in the past, re-living the past, we miss out on the precious, miracle of a moment that we are in right this very second!  You see, we can only have one thought at a time...that is all we are capable of - so if we are choosing to think about what happened to us (or FOR us) then we cannot be recognizing the beauty of the green grass that is sprouting this sping, we miss the birds singing, we miss the laughter of our kids, and the tender moments with our spouses and loved ones. 

Don't get me wrong, I think it is important to take moments to reflect, to pick out our patterns, so that we can be aware of them - and eventually be able to break them.  BUT, I do not think that we can let our past rob us of our present moment, and our future moments.  There is a difference between moments of reflection, and time dwelling and drudging up the past.  Most of the time, we get lost in the scenarios, the drama of the situation.  When really none of that matters.  You see, life isn't one thing after another, it is the same thing, over, and over, and over...  We should simply reflect on our emotional response, the triggers don't matter, our pattern is about US- not about the scenarios, but instead about how we CHOOSE to act, and how we CHOOSE to react.  The only two things we have control over anyway.  When we remove all the he said, she said drama around our scenarios, and reflect on our personal reaction, then we can briefly visit our past without dwelling there - we can recognize our patterns and bring that pattern to the present moment, bring it to our present consciousness so that we can CHOOSE to act positively to break those percieved negative pattens that we all carry. 

As we move through the new moon over the next few days, lets CHOOSE to let go of our thoughts that drag us OUT of our present moment.  Lets CHOOSE to control our thoughts and not let our thoughts control us.  Lets CHOOSE to stay centered, grounded and enjoy all the miracles that are created around us, for us, every second of every day.  Because, in all honesty, what we have is right now, this moment, where memories are created, where joy is fully present in our hearts, and love is abundant.  Now.  In the now.  In the present moment.

This moment has passed, now how will you CHOOSE to spend your next moment?

Love and Light,

1 comment:

  1. That was beautiful Juli! Thank you for enlightening me with your thoughts. Leanne
