Thursday, June 10, 2010

Defining Ourselves Part 2

And so, last night, we ventured deep to find what we truly value about ourselves.  We looked at ourselves through the eyes of others, and then dared to look beyond to see our passions, gifts and traits that are unique to each of us. 
Each person was asked to write 3 things down as a description of each person in the group.  These are characteristics, traits or something that you know to be of value that that person offers.  This is what the group came up with for me:
  • very caring
  • honest
  • loving
  • compassionate
  • sharing
  • speaks the truth
  • fights for what she believes in
  • family oriented
  • spiritual
  • is a leader
  • good spokes-person
  • true friend
It is interesting to me that we often admire others, or praise others, or respect others without necessarily expressing it to them directly.  The truth is, we are all these things, and more.  We can recognize these traits in each other, because we too posess them.  And by expressing our gratitude for others sharing those characteristics with us, does not mean that we are not like that, or don't have that quality.  By recognizing it in others does not mean that we are lacking in that particular area.  It means that you honor that, respect that in yourself enough to value it in others.  Do you see what I am getting at?  It is time, therefore to EXPRESS that which you value in others in order to TRULY value yourself.  And when you value yourself, you can more easily define yourself in ways that resonate with your true spirit.

"You are many things, but most importantly, you are a pristine being of light brought forth by God to share your joys, struggles, and life with others.  You are here to live in the light, radiate love and by doing so, you will have great impact on the world around you.  Honor your gifts by courageously living in the moment, by being aware that each choice brings you closer to your own God-Self, you Spirit center, that place in which we create our own reality.  Be passionate about living fully in your own character, you have nothing to hide, all are human.  Everyone experiences life at different rates and paces - there is NO wrong experience, NO wrong choice and therefore NO reason to hide, from self or others.  Everything you do allows you an oppertunity to learn and grow as individuals.  CHOICE is an incredible gift!  Opt to use it and by doing so you will fortify your own character and magnify your light."
Many Blessings,

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