Thursday, June 3, 2010

In the Meantime

Last night in Meditation Circle, we were discussing the speed bumps in our lives and how we need to exercise patience with ourselves and with the universe.  Sometimes our timeline is not that of the universe.  Often we use that metaphor of doors opening for us at the right time, and then having the courage to walk through that door.  Well, sometimes we just haven't walked far enough down the hall to reach the door yet, or perhaps we need to pick up tools or partners or attributes before we reach the door.  We need to remember that life isn't about the destination, it is about the journey, and even though we may have not yet reached our door, we need to trust that it is there for us, and enjoy our walk down the hall to get there.  I believe that the universe has great things in store for each of us, and if we allow ourselves to really enjoy our journey we will be pleasantly surprised when we happen upon a door that is open for us.

This journey is what some call "The Meantime".  This is the time when we are waiting, walking, going through the motions.  The meantime is  a huge gift to us.  It allows us the time to really explore ourselves, understand ourselves and what makes us tick.  If we use our meantime in a positive, productive way, we will learn and grow as individuals and be better prepared for what the universe has in store for us.  In her book "In the Meantime", Iyanla Vanzant talks about the great gift of living abundantly in the meantime, and how to use your meantime to your highest potential. 

For instance, last week we talked about identifying what we "don't like" in our lives, so that we can better understand what we do like in our lives.  When we are clear about the things that we like or are passionate about, it becomes easier to let the others go.  Iylana says "Everyone wil find out what love is NOT on their way to finding out what love IS."  This statement is so true of many things.  We can't discover the things we don't like, if we don't dabble in them in our meantime.

Patience is hard.  Patience is a trait that we have to train ourselves in.  BUT, consider looking at your patience from a different point of view.  Instead of calling it patience, call it your meantime.  Look past the waiting game, and enjoy the journey down your hallway.  Trust that you are eventually going to find the door that is open to you, but in the meantime, actively explore your self, take risks, and find out about the things that you don't like - and in turn you will find the things that you DO like.

This is your are you going to experience it?


  1. Thanks for giving me another term for 'Patience'. I know that I'm not a patient person, so maybe I'll be better with "in the meantime"!

  2. You are exactly where you are meant to be. Trust your journey...we are walking with you.
