Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I have just finished reading Elizabeth Gilbert's "Eat Pray Love".  And although it took me a year of reading on and off, the last section on Love, had me riveted and I devoured the final section in two days.  The first two chapters, were very valuable as well, but I found that I needed time to contemplate the musings, really think about how I relate to what she was working through.  Very interesting indeed!

As some of you know, one of my challenges has been to work on receiving compliments and thank yous from others.  Receiving them, allowing what the other person is saying to resonate with me, and then acknowledging it gracefully.  Why, has this been a challenge for me?   In the present, I am actively changing my willingness to receive compliments and thank yous. I am striving to hand out compliments, and be grateful in the moment for the little things.  I am actively receiving compliments from others without dismissing them as being unnecessary, and receiving thank yous with a sincere response - not just a "no problem" or "No.. thank you..." 

There are reasons why we do what we do, and when we acknowledge to others that we appreciate their offerings and their gifts, it is only rational that we acknowledge our offerings and gifts.  When we accept compliments, accept thank yous, we in fact are accepting ourselves!  Imagine that!

And so, as I actively work on this past challenge, and embark on my own self-acceptance journey, I find that I am expressing gratitude more readily, love more fluently, and true appreciation more sincerely.  Interestingly enough, the last paragraph in "Eat Pray Love" struck a cord with me.  And I realized how we can never  finish being grateful.  That everyday, every moment of our lives, there WILL be something or someone to be grateful for.  Expressing our gratitude has no beginning or end...it goes on forever.  I now have the awareness that in every moment of everyday there WILL be something or someone to be grateful for AND in every moment of everyday there WILL be someone or something grateful for me!  What a remarkable concept! 

Elizabeth Gilbert sums up her appreciation and gratitude for the love and support of others in this way:
 "In the end, though, maybe we must all give up trying to pay back the people in this world who sustain our lives.  In the end, maybe it is just wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices."
If everyone in the world, expressed their thanks, everyday to someone, true HAPPINESS would infect the world! 

Consider that...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Defining Ourselves Part 2

And so, last night, we ventured deep to find what we truly value about ourselves.  We looked at ourselves through the eyes of others, and then dared to look beyond to see our passions, gifts and traits that are unique to each of us. 
Each person was asked to write 3 things down as a description of each person in the group.  These are characteristics, traits or something that you know to be of value that that person offers.  This is what the group came up with for me:
  • very caring
  • honest
  • loving
  • compassionate
  • sharing
  • speaks the truth
  • fights for what she believes in
  • family oriented
  • spiritual
  • is a leader
  • good spokes-person
  • true friend
It is interesting to me that we often admire others, or praise others, or respect others without necessarily expressing it to them directly.  The truth is, we are all these things, and more.  We can recognize these traits in each other, because we too posess them.  And by expressing our gratitude for others sharing those characteristics with us, does not mean that we are not like that, or don't have that quality.  By recognizing it in others does not mean that we are lacking in that particular area.  It means that you honor that, respect that in yourself enough to value it in others.  Do you see what I am getting at?  It is time, therefore to EXPRESS that which you value in others in order to TRULY value yourself.  And when you value yourself, you can more easily define yourself in ways that resonate with your true spirit.

"You are many things, but most importantly, you are a pristine being of light brought forth by God to share your joys, struggles, and life with others.  You are here to live in the light, radiate love and by doing so, you will have great impact on the world around you.  Honor your gifts by courageously living in the moment, by being aware that each choice brings you closer to your own God-Self, you Spirit center, that place in which we create our own reality.  Be passionate about living fully in your own character, you have nothing to hide, all are human.  Everyone experiences life at different rates and paces - there is NO wrong experience, NO wrong choice and therefore NO reason to hide, from self or others.  Everything you do allows you an oppertunity to learn and grow as individuals.  CHOICE is an incredible gift!  Opt to use it and by doing so you will fortify your own character and magnify your light."
Many Blessings,

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Defining Ourselves

I like to look at the common themes that arise in my life each week.  You know, take note of the similar conversations, scenarios that take place.  When clients and friends visit, there always seems to be a common topic at work, or a lesson to be aware of.  This week it has been glaring obvious to me.

Often when we are asked "What do you do?"  We respond by stating "I AM a Massage Therapist."  or "I AM a Lawyer."   For years, this has been something that I have been challenged to change.  I try to respond by saying "I DO Massage Therapy."  Because, you see, Massage Therapy does NOT define me as a human being.  That is not WHO I am, it is simply one of the many things that I do.  So, for a while now, I have been saying "I DO Massage Therapy, and I AM a mother."  And that was working for me for awhile, until earlier this week, when I realized that I am NOT a mother. (Literally I am, but bear with me for a moment.)  Before I was a Mother, and before I was a Wife, I was something else.  I was ME.  I was I AM. 

Well, well, well - now we are getting somewhere. 

We are all Mothers, Fathers, sisters, brothers, husbands and wives - we all have jobs and roles in life.  But those "labels" do not define who we are as human beings.  Those roles strengthen us, guide us, lend us character, pull us in directions that we might not otherwise explore.  Those roles are important components of our character, but they DO NOT DEFINE ME.

So, in preparing for tonights class, I found myself exploring who I am to me, who I am to my family, who I am to the world around me which led me to - for what will I be remembered?  Now, we are just reaching the guts of it all...

And so, I have determined that there are many layers to ME.  On the surface, my outer shell I am a mother and a wife.  I honor that, cherish that, in fact.  But if I layer down deeper than that, much deeper than that, I recognize that I AM a caring, compassionate, loving spiritual being who chose to come here to assist others to re-aquiant with their own spirit, to encourage and support others as they journey through life. I AM devoted, independent and co-dependent, strong, fearless, adventuresome, a teacher and a student, intuitive and wise.  I AM a co-creator of my own life.

Our paths were meant to cross.  There are no coincidences, everything happens in its own time for its own reason.  Often others see me as a teacher, and somewhere inside I feel that too, but more times than not, I feel the student. You see, each time we have human interaction, we have oppertunity to learn more about ourselves through others.  So, I find myself a student, a student of spirit, a student of yours.  And I believe, that by recognizing the importance of acting both student and teacher, my journey on this earth, at this time will encourage others to follow their own spirit, their own path and create their own journey.

As usual, the universe has just sent undenyable confirmation.  The card from the "Courage to Love Yourself" deck by Janice Parviainen that the class will be exploring tonight, encourages us to overcome our fears, and reflect on what defines us, and what the world will remember us by.   Funny, that Universe eh?

See you tonight,


Thursday, June 3, 2010

In the Meantime

Last night in Meditation Circle, we were discussing the speed bumps in our lives and how we need to exercise patience with ourselves and with the universe.  Sometimes our timeline is not that of the universe.  Often we use that metaphor of doors opening for us at the right time, and then having the courage to walk through that door.  Well, sometimes we just haven't walked far enough down the hall to reach the door yet, or perhaps we need to pick up tools or partners or attributes before we reach the door.  We need to remember that life isn't about the destination, it is about the journey, and even though we may have not yet reached our door, we need to trust that it is there for us, and enjoy our walk down the hall to get there.  I believe that the universe has great things in store for each of us, and if we allow ourselves to really enjoy our journey we will be pleasantly surprised when we happen upon a door that is open for us.

This journey is what some call "The Meantime".  This is the time when we are waiting, walking, going through the motions.  The meantime is  a huge gift to us.  It allows us the time to really explore ourselves, understand ourselves and what makes us tick.  If we use our meantime in a positive, productive way, we will learn and grow as individuals and be better prepared for what the universe has in store for us.  In her book "In the Meantime", Iyanla Vanzant talks about the great gift of living abundantly in the meantime, and how to use your meantime to your highest potential. 

For instance, last week we talked about identifying what we "don't like" in our lives, so that we can better understand what we do like in our lives.  When we are clear about the things that we like or are passionate about, it becomes easier to let the others go.  Iylana says "Everyone wil find out what love is NOT on their way to finding out what love IS."  This statement is so true of many things.  We can't discover the things we don't like, if we don't dabble in them in our meantime.

Patience is hard.  Patience is a trait that we have to train ourselves in.  BUT, consider looking at your patience from a different point of view.  Instead of calling it patience, call it your meantime.  Look past the waiting game, and enjoy the journey down your hallway.  Trust that you are eventually going to find the door that is open to you, but in the meantime, actively explore your self, take risks, and find out about the things that you don't like - and in turn you will find the things that you DO like.

This is your meantime...how are you going to experience it?